(55) 5449-6250

Video Surveillance

General DataComm de México is a provider of intelligent video surveillance solutions for the private and government sectors, with more than 20 years of experience in the field. We offer world-class technology and technological alliances, forming a union of leading companies in the market.

Our services

Perimeter Security
Safe City
Analytical Systems
Safe Hospital

Perimeter Security

General DataComm offers world-class services for Perimeter Security, with the best technologies, developed in our laboratories and technological partners.

Safe City

At General DataComm de México, we offer video surveillance services; from the installation of poles and cameras, to the construction of C2, C4 and C5.

Analytical Systems

General DataComm offers systems for the analysis of: Facial recognition, online monitoring (public Wi-Fi connections), image recording, image storage through our cloud, site analysis, notifications, emergency button, among others.

Safe Hospital

General DataComm de México, offers video surveillance services through its solution: “Safe Hospital”, which includes cameras, software, public and private Wi-Fi, robots for detecting contagious diseases, emergency button at clinics and hospitals, control interface systems for employees, among others.